Hello back! We’re happy that you’ve decided to contact us for more details on what we can do for you.
You can reach me (Richard) directly on 07909 891502 to chat about your wedding film. Although sometimes I may be out filming, please leave me a message and I will respond as soon as I am free to do so.
If you prefer, you can use the contact form to leave your details and we’ll check our availability for your date. Either way, if I’m shooting or not, I’ll get back to you as soon as possible.
Still not sure? Here’s a link to a typical finished wedding. Or you can view more trailers here.
**By submitting your details via this contact form, you are also giving your consent to White Dress Films storing and using the data you provide in order to respond to your inquiry. Please note that sometimes our replies or quotations can end up in your ‘junk’ email folders, please check if you haven’t heard back from us. !**